Plans to preserve and transform the Grade II listed URS building on the University of Reading’s Whiteknights campus have been submitted to Wokingham Borough Council.
The URS building, commonly referred to as the ‘Lego’ building, is a 1970s ‘structuralist’ feature of campus that was designed by Howell, Killick, Partridge and Amis.
Originally the home of the faculty of Urban and Regional Studies, the URS building has been only partially occupied for teaching and study in recent years.
The proposed refurbishment would bring this prominent building back into full use, providing staff and students with a modern, fit-for-purpose and more accessible teaching and learning hub, and easing pressure on other campus facilities.
It will also be the new home for the School of the Built Environment.
The refurbishment project is scheduled for completion in 2028.
A critical part of the University’s Estate Strategy, the transformed URS building will form part of the Campus Heart, delivering space to support key University priorities around Teaching, Student Experience and Events.
Our Estates team has worked with architects Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt and heritage consultants Purcell to propose a scheme of internal and external upgrades that retain the original materials and structure of the URS building.
The refurbishment proposal includes increased capacity, spaces which support current teaching practices, improved accessibility and improved energy efficiency.
Repair and replacement work on the inside and outside of the building will adopt a heritage-led approach, retaining and enhancing its original features and materials.
Two additional staircases will be introduced on the south and east sides of the building to improve navigation around the building and meet fire escape requirements.
Given the heritage of the building, Estates have undertaken a wide-ranging pre-planning consultation with both the 20th Century Society and council planning and heritage officers.
Andrew Casselden, Director of Estates at the University of Reading, said: “The URS building is an iconic feature of our Whiteknights campus. This investment will vastly improve the experience of staff and students who use it and transform the building into a focal point of teaching and study on campus.
“We know that the URS building is loved by our staff, students and many local residents so we have worked with design and heritage experts to put forward a plan that respects the original architecture of the building, while introducing new elements that bring it up to date.”
The planning application documents can be viewed on the Wokingham Borough Council planning portal using application numbers 243127 and 243128. A decision is expected in spring 2025.
Essential work to prepare the building for the refurbishment is ongoing, with the main refurbishment being targeted to progress later in the year once the design and planning stages have been completed and approved.