From Selfbuilder + Homemaker’s recent research into self-builders’ views on building a low carbon home in the UK, a detailed white paper called ‘Selfbuilder Survey’ outlining the key findings has been developed, which is now available to download from the link below.
Climate change and energy are the two biggest issues facing the world today. Building homes for high energy efficiency is one of the key ways that we can make a substantial difference, and many self-builders are already grappling with the challenge. The 2025 Future Homes Standard makes it a legal requirement to cut carbon emissions in new homes by 75-80%.
We decided to conduct a survey of our readership on their experiences of building low carbon homes. The findings, captured in our first ‘Selfbuilder Survey,’ cover the ins and outs of creating comfortable homes with low carbon emissions, and far lower bills. It provides some interesting pointers for anyone looking to ‘go green’.
We would like to thank our sponsors Epic Insulation, Mitsubishi Electric, West Fraser UK, Samsung Electronics UK, and Marley for their support.