A social housing provider has announced its support of a national campaign which aims to keep the nation gas safe.
Platform Housing Group – one of the UK’s largest social landlords – has pledged a commitment to Gas Safety Week with a series of events and initiatives.
The campaign – which runs from 12 to 18 September – is organised and delivered by The Gas Safe Register and is now in its twelfth year.
As part of its commitment to gas safety throughout the year, Platform will be present at a series of community events throughout the UK to offer advice and tips on ensuring boilers are winter ready, as well as launching a quarterly prize drawer to encourage customers to ensure operatives have access to their homes on their first attempt to carry out servicing of their appliances.
Phil Trickett, heating services delivery manager at Platform Housing Group said:
“We can’t stress how important gas safety is; anyone who uses gas in their homes needs to be aware of the gas risks and how to keep safe. Badly fitted and poorly serviced gas appliances and installations can cause gas leaks, fires, explosions and carbon monoxide poisoning which affects more than one thousand people a year and can be fatal. That’s why we are supporting Gas Safety Week.”
For further information please contact Phil Trickett, Heating Services Delivery Manager at Platform Housing Group at Phil.Trickett@Platformhg.com