Sapphire Balconies solve design and logistical challenges for Berkeley Homes project

Bespoke Glide-On™ Cassette® balconies by Sapphire have provided the perfect solution to the design and logistical challenges of Phase 2 of Woodberry Down, a housing development by Berkeley Homes in the vibrant, multicultural area of Finsbury Park, North London.

The residential project presented various challenges from the design stage. A slight design variance was required to accommodate a section of the development allocated to affordable housing. The floor build-up in this section meant a difference in decking height, which would have created a visual inconsistency to the fascia element. In addition, one elevation of the building posed a particular challenge because of the close proximity of a large tree which could not be cut down due to planning regulations.

To solve these challenges, Sapphire incorporated several elements from both design and installation perspectives. To address the differences in fascia elements, a screen-printed design feature was included on the balcony fascia to keep the design visually consistent across the building. Secondly, to avoid the elevation where a substantial tree was an obstacle, Sapphire’s innovative Glide-On™ Cassette® balconies were used which, when lifted, could avoid the tree completely. Preassembled offsite, including balustrades, decking and soffits, the Cassette® balconies are lifted into position and simply Glide-On™ to the building’s pre-erected support arms, before completing the mechanical fixings. While the balcony units were being preassembled offsite, cast-in anchors and incorporated thermal break connections were cast into the building slab, offering superior rigidity to the balconies.

A total of 228 balconies featuring Sapphire’s Crystal® frameless, structural glass have been installed to luxury apartments in this second phase of Woodberry Down. Having specified Sapphire Glide-On™ balconies for a number of its prestigious residential projects, a spokesman for Berkeley Homes, Woodberry Down Phase 2, commented:

“We’ve always valued the quality of Sapphire’s end product and communication.”

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